2017 Conference “Retail Tomorrow” Presentations
Today we are witnessing the 4th Industrial Revolution that is distinguished from the previous revolutions. It is characterized by a series of new technologies that unify both the physical and digital world, and which have an impact on economical disciplines, consumer behavior and the operators of the sector. All this has radically changed the way consumers have interacted for decades with the PdV.
Although we already know that we live in a customer centric market, we are still trying to define the new distribution category: the fusion retail .
The dichotomous vision of online and offline vision is being abandoned to welcome in a united vision which is able to satisfy a “seamless” client, whose loyalty is more and more challenging to win. The consumer demands attention not by pointing at the innovation for the sake of it, but by satisfying his/her needs through a personalized experience.
The efforts of the Retail Operators have to focus on the personalization of the communication and on the centric consumer in order to achieve shopper engagement as a first factor of success.
Big data, Omnichannel, Proximity Marketing, Virtual reality, Big Data….the technological phenomena that make a difference in the retail increase, open new boundaries and create big opportunities. During this convention, we analyzed the strategies that retailers are adapting to, and discover the more innovative solutions as well as future trends.