Nach dreimonatigem Komplettumbau hat das Schuhhaus Prange seine Frankfurter Filiale wiedereröffnet. Das Spiel mit ausgesuchten, hochwertigen Materialien und Texturen unterstreicht den individuellen Charakter des Traditionsunternehmens. From Store+Shops
2017 is gearing up to be one of the toughest for retail for some time. Retail Week asks the chief executives of the UK’s biggest retailers what their New Year’s resolutions are for the year ahead
It’s been a turbulent year in almost every sphere – and retail has had its fair share of ups and downs. From Retail Week
The newly completed Accessories Hall in Selfridges’ flagship is all about grandeur and luxury. From Retail Week
How did Peter Ruis fix Jigsaw? Retail Week speaks to him about seeing the bigger picture when it comes to brand
The etailer has opened its first foray into bricks and mortar at London’s Westfield Stratford City shopping centre. From Retail Week
Who are the entrepreneurs that are vying to become the next Nick Robertson or Natalie Massenet?From Retail Week
What have been the top trends of 2016? And which factors have been turning fashion companies off? From Retail Week
O seu cadastro de produtos está alinhado com o cadastro de seus fornecedores? Ou a qualquer momento voce terá que recusar urna entrega por divergencias na nota fiscal ou descobrir que o seu estoque físico nao bate com o do sistema? From Super Hiper
Ñas economías desenvolvidas, as voltas com baixo crescimento, cada vez mais os juros caem, chegando a ficar negativos. No Brasil, onde a recessao já está instalada, aumentos das taxas de juros ainda sao aventados. From Super Hiper