4 – 6 April 2017: Returning to Dubai for a second year, the eleventh edition of World Retail Congress will take ‚ÄúReimagining the customer experience‚Äù as its central theme. Special discount fro GRA members!
The World Retail Congress brings together the leaders of the global retail industry from the greatest retail icons to the most innovative start-ups and disruptors; from national market leaders to the most international. For three days each year, the Congress provides the insight to help shape the retail future and show retailers how to meet the needs of their consumers in this era of rapid change. It is an unrivalled international annual gathering of retail leaders that delivers powerful connections and an unmissable sense-check on where the industry is heading.
In delivering this agenda, the Congress has welcomed over one thousand senior retail speakers, from some of the world’s biggest, to the newest businesses, as well as leading industry stakeholders from global economics, politics, finance and NGOs.
Since the Congress launched in 2007, the industry has faced challenges of unprecedented scale. View our heritage infographic to see how the Congress has evolved and often been at the forefront of changes in the industry.
In 2016, the World Retail Congress programme took as its theme: Attracting and engaging the modern customer. It reflected the reality that the customer is increasingly expecting more from retailers and brands than the selling of product – they want to be sold a story and experience as well.
The retail mood as we look forward to 2017 and beyond is staying firmly centred on consumers and how to take that engagement to the next level. Taking as its theme: ‘Reimagining the customer experience’, the 2017 Congress will be held in Dubai from 4-6 April at the Madinat Jumeirah.